Online Homestead Wizard

Search is done using an exact match. Use wildcards and operators below to customize them.
John All values that match exactly the word "John"
* Match any number of characters
John* All values that start with "John"
*Williams All values that end with "Williams"
*Smith* All values that contain "Smith"
. Match a single character
J.B Matches "JOB", "JEB", "JAB".
41. Main Matches "411 Main", "412 Main", "41A Main"
! Perform the opposite of a search
!John All values that aren't "John"
!*Main* All values that don't contain "Main"
& Perform multiple searches with an AND operation
!John&!Bill All values not "John" and not "Bill"
| Perform multiple searches with an OR operation
1|2|3 All values that are "1", "2", or "3"
( ) Use parentheses to group searches and change precedence
!(2|3) & !(6|7) Values not ("2" or "3") and not ("6" or "7")